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  • Kimberly Mallory

Poetry is fun...seriously!

I don't write poetry often. Only when the mood hits. But recently, I began revising some old poems I wrote. And I found myself going back to them day after day after day---trying to capture the right words, the right sentiment. What a challenge! I'm always encouraging my students to read poetry, too. Why? Well, I believe once you stumble upon a poem that speaks to your heart, you'll be hooked on the art form. Writing poetry is a beautiful way to express what's in your heart or whatever you're passionate about. And you don't have to be cryptic when writing poetry. The most beautiful poems tend to say the most while using the least amount of lines. Check out the Young People's Poet Laureate page by clicking the link below! I hope you get inspired to write some of your own poems. Have fun!

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