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  • Kimberly Mallory

Happy Earth Day 2022!

Taking care of the planet is a job we can all take part in. Recycling, using paper products whenever and wherever you can, and making a commitment to never, ever

litter are just some of the things we can do to help make our environment sustainable and a cleaner place to live in. Places like the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil has lost 17% of its land due to deforestation which includes slashing and burning the forest to create farm land for cattle ranchers. According to recent studies, this activity has caused the Amazon to absorb less carbon emissions. Highway projects like highway BR-319 which goes straight through the heart of the Amazon threatens to destroy a rich biodiversity of trees that provide medicines and canopy cover that supports animal life. Indigenous lands are at risk, too. When it comes to addressing climate change and becoming a steward of our planet, remember that educating yourself is the first step toward getting involved.

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